Monday, September 27, 2010


As the time to move to Cusco comes closer and closer I've started the process of saying goodbye to some things here in Arequipa. This past Sunday I had one of my first “last times”. It was my last Sunday here in Arequipa. I've enjoyed worshiping at the church I've called home for the past six months, but at times it's been difficult. Most Sundays, my brain's working so hard to understand little bits of things, inevitably there's a word or two in there that I don't understand(so I have to write it down or look it up),and then after all of that I've pretty much lost little parts of the whole point of the sermon, and then the big point of the whole deal. It's been a bit frustrating at times, but it's all a part of the language learning process.

Ever since I've started school here, the response to the slow process of language learning has been one of the most popular phrases here: “poco a poco....”(little by little..). As an impatient person, I'm really not a fan of the concept, but have come to respect it. It's been the story of my life for the past six months and I'm pretty sure it will continue for the rest of my time here in Peru.

I'm not saying I'm best friends with the concept, but it was a good thing for me to remember in church this past Sunday. After the service I realized that I really didn't have think hard core during the sermon, I was able to just listen (exciting since it doesn't always work out that way...) Oops, a great example of that (in my eyes) frustrating phrase of “poco a poco”. It was a sweet time for my last Sunday in Arequipa and I'm looking forward to more opportunities to see the results of language school in the future.

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