Sunday, June 26, 2011

Moving right along.....

As life seems to be ever changing for me these days, the latest one is probably going to be a pretty interesting adventure. As more of the new families coming to join our team here in Cusco, lots of new things are starting up.

As many of you know, an eye clinic is being built behind our already existing medical clinic here. It has been encouraging to see the progress of the building of the clinic as things are moving right along. In addition to all of this exciting stuff, it looks like I will be working at the new clinic full time. It should be an interesting change of jobs.

Looks like I've got plenty of learning to do....

here's the latest progress on the clinic

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I doesn't seem like I've been living in my neighborhood for a long time, but I guess I have been here for a bit. Over the past couple of weeks I've noticed that I see at least one person I know when I'm out in my neighborhood, whether it's at the market, on my way to work, at a bus stop, or just walking down the street.

It's good to know that I am becoming more established within my community and am starting to really plant some roots.

Makes it feel more like home!