It was a good time for me to look back to when I first started at the school and see where I am today. It was also nice to thank my kind teachers for all they have done for me and apologize to them for all they've had to put up in the past six months I've been there. There's a slight possibility I'm on the top of the "difficult students" list at the school by now(just personality). I've had the best, kindest, sweetest teachers for my time in school. They were SO patient with me always. I've enjoyed studying at the school and will miss many people at the school. Today was the start of many goodbyes I'd rather not say, but it's one of those things that's got to be done in a transition.
It feels a bit strange not to have homework, but I guess in place of homework, I get to pack up all of my stuff and move to Cusco. Saturday's the big day. I'm looking forward to getting to Cusco, just not the packing up my life here part...
Any volunte
ers for packing??
My huge grammar class of two students: My very entertaining y maravillosa teacher in the middle and my partner in crime/mother on the right
Any volunte
My huge grammar class of two students: My very entertaining y maravillosa teacher in the middle and my partner in crime/mother on the right