Saturday, January 15, 2011

Muy Comodo

Well, the day started out rather interesting and continued to be so through the morning. I mentioned to my landlord a couple of days ago that there was a mouse in my backyard(the yard/patio is surrounded by walls, so the mouse was trapped in there). Personally, I'm not a big fan of catching and then killing rodents, so basically I was just fishing around to see if my landlord might be interested in helping me out.

After I told my landlord, he immediately told me he'd take care of it for me. Yay!!! He came over this morning(actually three different times, but it was Saturday and I wasn't interested in answering the door at 0730) with his “tools” and went out to deal with the problem. So, he was out there for about 20 minutes or so and as far as I could tell, nothing had happened. I looked into the yard from inside the house and discovered that he had straightened up things out back, washed the patio area, and was now pulling up weeds that were well over a foot tall. I went out back and asked him to stop. I'm just lazy and hadn't gotten to the task of cutting the grass and cleaning up the yard. He quickly explained to me that the mouse was in hiding and he was waiting for the mouse to come out and had decided to do a couple of things while he waited... Then he promptly told me to go back in the house and close the door so the mouse wouldn't come in. A couple of minutes after I had gone back inside, I heard a loud bang. Score!! Target eliminated!!

After the whole event, I thanked my landlord a couple of times for helping me out with something I really didn't want to do(really I was so thankful for the help). The funny thing is that he just kept telling me that he's just glad I'm here and wants me to be comfortable here. He's said that before and I believe he really means it. Yes, I know I'm renting his house, which means income for him, but he also really wants me to feel “at home” and comfortable here and he wants to do what he can to make that happen.

I've just never experienced anything quite like this before, this friends first then business approach. It's just taken me by surprise and is something to adapt to here. There are plenty of difficult things about the culture here, so I might as well enjoy the nice things.

Not exactly sure why I thought the story deserved a post, just struck me as funny today...

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