Friday, November 19, 2010


Well, it's been a great week!! Probably one of the best in my past 7 months months in Peru. Monday and Tuesday we had a huge medical campaign at our clinic. A big group from the States and Canada came for the week. They had 9 M.D's of all kinds of specialties and other medical personel as well. We were able to see a little over 400 patients for those two days. It was great!!

I had the opportunity to be a nurse and translator for those days. It was quite interesting. Was really fun to think like a nurse as I was involved in triage both days. I also worked with one of the nurses on the visiting team as I attempted to translate for her. It was quite a challenge, but at the end I was excited that I could translate at some level. Yay, I did learn something at school. The fun cases were when the patient only spoke Quechua. Then there were two translators involved and even more possibilities of incorrect information being relayed. At times, it felt a bit like the game of telephone. It was a good experience though.

The second fun part of my week was that my sister, Megan is here. She got here Thursday and will be here for the next four days. It's good to see her, show her around a bit, and to have some time to just enjoy each others company and to be able speak English for long periods of time.

I'm excited for the next couple of days and then Thanksgiving's here, yay!! I'm hoping my bosses family will kill one of their turkeys for the occasion. Would be nice and fresh....


  1. So glad that you got to use your nursing skills and your newly found TRANSLATING skills! I am so glad to have known your concerns about learning spanish and know I can celebrate with you and your newly found spanish skills!
    Congratulations from the Hobsons!

  2. Thanks Karyn, I still have so far to go with the Spanish, but it was an encouragement to me that I could at some level translate...
